Together we can improve
Aged Care

Together we can improve aged care

UnitingSA’s Client Advisory Committee (CAC) and Quality Care Advisory Committee (QCAC) use lived experience and feedback from clients, their carers and family members to influence the quality of our aged care services.

What is the Client Advisory Committee?

The purpose of the Client Advisory Committee (CAC) is to help us better engage with clients, and their carers or family members, of our residential and community aged care services. Members of this committee will help provide a lived experience perspective of the quality of aged care services.

The CAC will meet twice per year in April and October at our Head Office or online. Clients who are part of the CAC will be supported to attend the meetings.

What is the Quality Care Advisory Committee?

The Quality Care Advisory Committee (QCAC) will comprise one or more client representatives and relevant staff from Aged Care services at UnitingSA.

The purpose of the QCAC is to review the quality of services and provide feedback to the UnitingSA board. It will also meet twice per year in March and September at the UnitingSA Head Office or online.

Who can get involved?

If you would like to be part of the Client Advisory Committee or the Quality Care Advisory Committee you must be:

  • a client/resident of one of our aged care services or homes, or
  • a family member or carer of one of our clients.
You may already be involved in an existing group, forum or committee where you share feedback. We encourage you to continue to participate in these activities and also welcome you to join these new advisory committees.

How to become a client representative:

Client Advisory Committee (CAC)

We are facilitating a workshop on 30 November with any clients and their representatives to provide information about the requirements for the CAC and work together to determine how the Committee will work.

Please register your attendance at the CAC Workshop by clicking the button below.

Quality Care Advisory Committee (QCAC)

Please complete the QCAC nomination form by clicking the button below.

Nominations must be received by 5pm Friday, 17 November 2023.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about either committee, please call (08) 8440 2161  or email

Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the requirements of a client representative?

The role of a client representative is to use your lived experience of aged care services at UnitingSA (either as a client/resident or as a carer or family member) to help provide feedback on, and input into the quality of services. You will be expected to:

  • Attend meetings, or let us know if you cannot attend.
  • Review documents provided before the meetings (with support from staff as required).
  • Raise suggestions for items for discussion.
  • Respect the confidentiality of meetings and not disclose confidential information publicly.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest.

Meetings for the Client Advisory Committee are held in April and October.

Meetings for the Quality Care Advisory Committee are held in March and September.

Meetings will be held both in-person at the UnitingSA Head Office located at 70 Dale Street, Port Adelaide and online.

UnitingSA values the lived experience that residents and clients of our aged care services may bring to the Committees, so staff will support you to attend the meeting in-person or online (depending on your preference).

You are welcome to bring a family member along with you to support your attendance, noting that they will not be a formal member of the committee (unless they have been successfully appointed).

UnitingSA staff will review all nominations for the Committees, and select candidates based on their motivation to become a client representative, and their knowledge and understanding of aged care services.

UnitingSA will aim to ensure that client representatives reflect the diversity of backgrounds across the communities we serve.

Each client representative will act in the best interests of the broader UnitingSA aged care community, and will draw on their lived experience to provide feedback. The role is designed to be representative of the community, rather than solely focusing on areas of individual concern.

If you have specific areas of concern relating to your individual experience of services, then please raise them directly with staff or by completing a feedback form online.

Following recommendations from the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission, from 1 December 2023, aged care approved providers are expected to establish a Client Advisory Committee that will meet at least once annually and a Quality Care Advisory Committee that will meet at least twice annually.

To understand the requirements for the Advisory Committees please view these links to the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.

Consumer Advisory Committees

Quality Care Advisory Committees

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was in such a dark place for years and my mental health issues meant I couldn’t see anything straight. With the help of my support worker, I started to feel comfortable in my own skin and now I am even working again. I will always remember how I recovered with the help I received through UnitingSA.”

Received support from Mental Health Services

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