UnitingSA Annual Report 2023-24


Our Impact

Throughout the 2023-24 financial year, we helped over 12,000 South Australians

UnitingSA Annual Report 2023-24


Our Impact

Throughout the 2023-24 financial year, we helped over 12,000 South Australians

Aged Care

Choose the way you live

Lifestyle choices, companionship and care for every stage of your ageing journey.

Emergency Assistance

Do you need help today?

Immediate and long-term support to help you manage any household or financial difficulties.


& Disability support

Achieve your goals with one-on-one specialist attention, supported employment and more.

Employment & Training

Changing lives

Find a new career pathway, secure employment or upskill.

Mental Health

For better

Manage your recovery and stay healthy with the right support, information and advocacy.

Housing & Tenancy

Live securely

Helping you find a home, maintain your tenancy or secure emergency accommodation.

Children & Families

A better life together

Connect with the right support services to be the best parent, partner, caregiver or friend you can be.

Young People

Support to thrive

Everything from practical life skills and getting back into learning, to having someone to talk to.

Supported Employment

Meaningful work for all

Employment opportunities to suit your interests and abilities.

Need quality

work done?

Wesley Social Enterprises delivers quality services at great prices in metropolitan and regional SA.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

Winter Essentials

New, unused items most needed:

  • Tents and tarps
  • Swags for two
  • Sleeping bags
  • Beanies, jumpers, socks, jackets, fleecy hoodies and track pants for all ages
  • Sets of flannelette or plain sheets, single, double or queen – double is most popular
  • Sleeping pillows
  • Quilts, doonas or blankets
  • Bath towels and face washers
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