Aged care visitor restrictions update

Aged care visitor restrictions update

24 April 2020

UnitingSA Residential Aged Care homes remain subject to visitor restrictions in order to protect elderly loved ones in our care. Read More →

COVID-19 Residential Aged Care update

COVID-19 Residential Aged Care update

17 April 2020

The latest on our COVID-19 communication, telehealth provisions & new flu vaccination requirements for Residential Aged Care visitors. Read More →

Aged care visitor restrictions extended

Aged care visitor restrictions extended

02 April 2020

By continuing to restrict access, we will significantly reduce the risk of COVID-19 being unknowingly transmitted to Aged Care residents. Read More →

FAQ for aged care families and friends

FAQ for aged care families and friends

31 March 2020

We provide answers to some commonly asked questions from our Residential Aged Care families and friends regarding COVID-19 restrictions. Read More →

Message from the CEO regarding service changes in response to COVID-19

26 March 2020

UnitingSA will make some changes and focus on delivering services that are most essential as part of our staged COVID-19 response. Read More →

Visitors to our aged care homes: Stringent COVID-19 Access Controls

Visitors to our aged care homes: Stringent COVID-19 Access Controls

23 March 2020

Restrictions will be implemented in a blanket approach across all six UnitingSA Residential Aged Care homes to protect our residents. Read More →

New Residential Aged Care home visitor restrictions

New Residential Aged Care home visitor restrictions

20 March 2020

All Aged Care facilities in Australia are now required to implement visitation restrictions to decrease the risk of COVID-19 exposure. Read More →

Message from the CEO and Board Chair regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)

Message from the CEO and Board Chair regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)

19 March 2020

We have detailed response plans in place and have already taken important steps to minimise the risk to our team and those we walk alongside. Read More →

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was feeling depressed and anxious before coming to Taperoo Community Centre and now I feel as though I belong for the first time in my life. The classes have helped me believe in myself and that I am capable of learning.”

Taperoo Community Centre participant (pictured with Centre Coordinator Kathy)

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