South Australia is currently experiencing a rise in the new COVID-19 BA-4 and BA-5 sub-variants.

The state’s Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier expects that cases of these new variants will peak at 5000 to 6000 per day in the coming weeks.

Due to the heightened risk of community transmissions associated with these new strains, it is critically important that family and friends visiting our aged care homes continue to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines, including wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene.

It has been disappointing to hear some visitors are not abiding by the State Government’s compulsory mask mandate for Residential Aged Care homes, even despite recent reminders from SA Health regarding the critical role they play in reducing transmission.

Please be advised that visitors who are found not wearing a mask during their visit will be asked to leave.

With school holidays approaching, family and friends are also reminded to ensure any children visiting our homes also abide by COVID-19 guidelines, including the requirement to wear a mask.

It is also timely to remind all visitors of the requirement to return a negative Rapid Antigen Test prior to visiting, and complete our QR code COVID-19 screening upon arrival.

We are relying on everyone in our community to be honest in their testing regime to help protect the health and wellbeing of the elderly residents in our care. Please ensure you undertake a Rapid Antigen Test prior to each visit.

In light of the increased risk of COVID-19 transmission, we will also be implementing additional infection control measures in the coming days.

All staff will be required to wear protective eyewear at all times while at work, while staff who are delivering care to COVID-positive residents will be required to wear full-face shield.

The following visitor precautions remain in place until further notice.

  • A limit of two visitors per day, with a single visit of up to one hour
  • All visits must:
    • Be pre-booked with your home’s reception via phone or email between 8.30am and 4pm weekdays
    • Take place between 10am and 4pm daily, or 6pm to 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
    • Occur in the resident’s room or an outdoor area

Please note, due to the high risk of community-acquired infections at this time, bookings are essential.

We thank all of you for playing your part in ensuring the impact of COVID-19 is minimised as we all work together to protect our homes from future outbreaks.

Please find situation summaries below for Seaton, West Lakes, Hawksbury Gardens and Wesley House Aged Care.


Positive case/s: Eight
Exposure details: One new case was detected in yesterday’s PCR testing. All COVID-positive residents have been moved into one section of the home, and are isolating in their rooms.
Site status: All of Seaton Aged Care remains closed to visitors.
Testing: All residents at Seaton Aged Care are undergoing PCR testing today.


Positive case/s: Three
Exposure details: There are two COVID-positive residents located in Para wing, and one COVID-positive resident in Gawler wing.
Site status: Para wing is open to visitors with two COVID-positive residents safely isolating in their rooms. The Gawler resident is also isolating in their room. Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care remains open to visitors.
Testing: There was one indeterminate result from PCR testing undertaken on Tuesday. All residents are undertaking PCR testing again today.


Positive case/s: Nine
Exposure details: There were five COVID-positive cases detected in the PCR testing undertaken yesterday. There are now four COVID-positive residents in Semaphore wing, one in Jervois wing and four in Falie wing.
Site status: The same small area in Semaphore wing remains closed. Falie East wing is now closed.
Testing: All residents will undertake PCR testing again tomorrow.


Positive case/s: Four
Exposure details: There are two new COVID-positive residents. One is a Level 1 resident and the other is located on Level 3.
Site Status: All COVID-positive residents are isolating in their rooms. The rest of Level 1 and Level 3, and the remainder of UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care, is open to visitors.
Testing: PCR testing is being undertaken for Level 1 and 3 residents today.

We will continue to provide regular updates and will notify you directly if your loved one returns a positive result.

For more information, please contact your Aged Care home utilising the details on our Contact page.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we navigate the challenges of the current COVID-19 environment.

Your support and understanding is much appreciated by our staff and residents.