
Everyone is welcome.

Our Community Centres located at Taperoo and Whyalla help people of all ages and backgrounds to develop skills and meet new people.

We offer low-cost programs, workshops and accredited training courses so you can learn in a fun and engaging environment.

Taperoo Community Centre

Located at 14-20 Yongala St, Taperoo, SA 5017.

Open on weekdays during school term from 9am to 5pm.

Call us on (08) 8248 2122.

View our current timetable.

Taperoo Community Centre, 14-20 Yongala St, Taperoo, South Australia, Australia

Whyalla Community Centre

Located at Corner of Ramsay & Wittwer Streets, Whyalla Stuart, SA 5608.

Open Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 4pm.

Call us on (08) 8649 3043.

View our current timetable.

Ramsay Street & Wittwer Street, Whyalla Stuart SA, Australia

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

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