Action Plan

UnitingSA's Reconciliation Action Plan

We’re pleased to release UnitingSA’s inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), June 2022 – June 2023. This ‘Reflect’ RAP outlines our new vision for reconciliation and the steps we will take over the year to bring this vision to life.

Our RAP builds on our long and enduring history of engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as our reconciliation journey, which began with the launch of our inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusion Strategy in 2011. Our RAP sets out tangible actions we will take over the coming year to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities, and drive lasting change.

View the Reconciliation Action Plan below or download the PDF version.


Quarterly Progress Reports

Quarterly updates on our Reconciliation Action Plan progress are provided to UnitingSA’s Executive Management Team and Board of Directors. This way we keep on track with our goals and celebrate milestones. We also share these updates publicly so everyone can stay up to date with our reconciliation journey.

Padninthi Community Day

UnitingSA marked the launch of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on 21 September 2022 with Padninthi Community Day. More than 250 staff, volunteers, and community members came together to celebrate the occasion at Lefevre Community Stadium.

Padninthi Community Day included a Welcome to Country from Margaret Brodie, performances by Nathan May and Tjarutja Dance Theatre Collective, and a free BBQ lunch.

The vibrant event also featured cultural workshops, activities for all ages and information stalls hosted by Aboriginal organisations, business and stakeholders.

Find out more about Padninthi here


  • What is a Reconciliation Action Plan?

    A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a strategic document that supports an organisation’s business plan. It includes practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.

    The RAP Program contributes to advancing the five dimensions of reconciliation by supporting organisations to develop respectful relationships and create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    Each of the four RAP types (Reflect, Innovate, Stretch, Elevate) set out the minimum elements required from an organisation to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities within the organisation and community.

    You can find out more about Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP) by visiting the Reconciliation Australia website.

  • Why develop a RAP?

    RAPs are making a difference across Australia in workplaces, universities, schools, government and community organisations. The RAP framework enables organisations to contribute to reconciliation by:

    • Building and encouraging relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, organisations, and the broader Australian community
    • Fostering and embedding respect for the world’s longest surviving cultures and communities.
    • Develop opportunities within organisations or services to improve socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
  • Who was involved in creating the RAP?

    Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was developed through a new two-tiered governance structure comprising of a RAP Committee and final endorsement by the UnitingSA Board of Directors. Our RAP champion will be our Chief People and Quality Officer, Jacki Done.

    Our RAP Committee currently includes First Nations staff members, as well as members of UnitingSA’s Board of Directors and Executive Management Team. The process has also included consultation with local Aboriginal communities and Elders, as well as teams working right across our service portfolio.

  • How else can I be involved in the UnitingSA RAP?

    If you are a community member or stakeholder and would like to provide feedback on our RAP, we would love to hear from you. Please contact UnitingSA’s RAP Committee by emailing

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Family member, Residential Aged Care

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