Together we can

We turn our values into actions

UnitingSA is a not-for-profit organisation all about respect, compassion and justice. With a long and proud history of building stronger communities, our can-do attitude is dedicated to supporting South Australians.

Established in 1919, we now help more than 12,000 people every year.

More than 1,000 employees and volunteers deliver a diverse range of programs across aged care, housing and community services, including:

Every aspect of what we do is unified by determination, a respect for everyone’s unique worth and a passion for empowering people.

Individuals, older people, youth, adults and families, people facing mental health issues, people with disabilities, and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are just some of the people we communicate with every day.

Together we seek opportunities to enliven communities, enrich lives and improve wellbeing.

We strive to stand alongside every individual and face the world as one.

At UnitingSA, together we can.

Our vision

A compassionate, respectful and just community in which all people participate and flourish.

Our Values


Quality for all

UnitingSA is dedicated to continuous improvement and quality management. We maintain accreditation at Award Level of the Australian Service Excellence Standards — an internationally accredited quality improvement program funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS), aimed at supporting not-for-profit organisations to improve and achieve sustainable excellence.

We value our people

UnitingSA provides a safe working environment for all employees, volunteers and contractors. We recognise that a safe and healthy workplace is vital for the delivery of high quality services.

We protect our children

UnitingSA endorses the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care. With this Charter, we promote the wellbeing of children and young people in the care and custody of the state of South Australia.

We respect our carers

UnitingSA values and respects all the dedicated carers who support the people we work alongside.

Find out more about the support we offer our carers.

We protect our environment

UnitingSA recognises our community obligation to protect the environment for future generations.

UnitingSA for 100 Years

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“We love Hawksbury Gardens so much, your staff have been so supportive and have made this process so wonderful, we can’t thank you enough!”

Family member, Residential Aged Care

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