Are you ready
to get social?

What are Wellbeing and Social Connection Groups?

Are you an older person ready to get out and have some fun?

Look no further than our Wellbeing and Social Connection Groups!

Our groups offer a range of activities tailored to your interests. Whether you are looking to form some new friendships, explore a range of hobbies, learn from interesting guest speakers or simply improve your wellbeing, we have something for you.

Call (08) 8448 6250 to learn more.

Book now.

To take part in our Wellbeing and Social Connection Groups you must be registered with My Aged Care and 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people).

Contact our Home Care team to book into a group today.

How much will it cost?

Refer to our Timetable below for group options and current pricing.

All prices listed on this page are for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) clients. Transport support is available for CHSP clients at $2.50 one way.

If you are a Support at Home client, contact us for alternative pricing on (08) 8448 6250 or email

Our current groups.

Lakeside Catch-up

Join us for a creative morning catch up, where you can enjoy arts, crafts, games, bingo, music, and quizzes, along with a light morning tea.

Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Frequency: Every week
Location: Social and Wellness Hall, 1 Charles Street, West Lakes SA 5021
Price: $14 per session*
Out and About
Bosnian Social Group

Come join us for fun-filled mini bus outings and centre-based activities like games, cards, and Reading Club. Light refreshments will also be provided.

Time: 10.30am – 2.30pm
Frequency: Fortnightly
Location: Findon Community Centre, 222 Findon Road, Findon SA 5023
Price: $14 per session*
Movin’ & Groovin’
Exercise and Social Group

Enjoy an hour of seated exercise guided by our expert Physical Therapist or Allied Health Assistant, followed by an hour of fun activities. A light afternoon tea will also be provided.

Time: 2pm – 4pm
Frequency: Fortnightly
Location: Social and Wellness Hall, 1 Charles Street, West Lakes SA 5021
Price: $7 per session*
Spanish Monthly North Group
Exclusive to Spanish-speaking participants

Join us for a variety of activities, guest speakers, bingo, and quizzes aimed at assisting the Spanish-speaking community in maintaining connection. Morning tea and light refreshments will be provided.

Time: 10am – 3pm
Frequency: Monthly (4th week)
Location: Morella Community Centre, 90 Kings Road, Parafield Gardens SA 5107
Price: $14 per session*
Spanish Outings
Exclusive to Spanish-speaking participants

Join us for fun-filled outings around Adelaide and beyond. Morning tea and light refreshments will be provided.

Outing examples include: Waterfall Gully walk, shopping at Burnside Village, Latin Market SA, Factory Direct Outlet and Oaklands Wetlands.

Time: 10am – 3pm
Frequency: Monthly
Location: Morella Community Centre, 90 Kings Road, Parafield Gardens SA 5107
Price: $14 per session*
Movin’ & Groovin’
Exercise and Social Group

Enjoy an hour of seated exercise guided by our expert Physical Therapist or Allied Health Assistant, followed by an hour of fun activities. A light afternoon tea will also be provided.

Time: 2pm – 4pm
Frequency: Fortnightly
Location: Social and Wellness Hall, 1 Charles Street, West Lakes SA 5021
Price: $7 per session*
Harmony Group
Social Group

Join us for fun-filled outings and monthly centre-based activities like games and cards. Light refreshments will also be provided.

Time: 10am – 2pm
Frequency: Fortnightly
Location: Findon Community Centre, 222 Findon Road, Findon SA 5023
Price: $14 per session*
Social Group

Join us for a relaxed game of bingo with some light refreshments. It’s a great chance to catch up, meet new people, and even win some prizes.

Time: 10am – 2pm
Frequency: Fortnightly
Location: Social and Wellness Hall, 1 Charles Street, West Lakes SA 5021
Price: $14 per session*
Spanish West Group
Exclusive to Spanish-speaking participants

Join us for a variety of activities, guest speakers, bingo, and quizzes aimed at assisting the Spanish-speaking community in maintaining connection. Morning tea and light refreshments will be provided.

Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm
Frequency: Monthly
Location: Findon Community Centre, 222 Findon Road, Findon SA 5023
Price: $14 per session*

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Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was feeling depressed and anxious before coming to Taperoo Community Centre and now I feel as though I belong for the first time in my life. The classes have helped me believe in myself and that I am capable of learning.”

Taperoo Community Centre participant (pictured with Centre Coordinator Kathy)

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