Virtual Tour
Explore Seaton Aged Care with our virtual tour video, then see it in person by clicking the button below to book a guided tour.
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Known for our high quality care, expert staff and people-first attitude, at Seaton Aged Care we honour cultural customs and serve delicious Eastern European home style cooking in a community you would love to call home.
Within just a stone’s throw of the popular Royal Adelaide Golf Club, Seaton Aged Care offers all the support you need to stay physically and mentally active.
Explore Seaton Aged Care with our virtual tour video, then see it in person by clicking the button below to book a guided tour.
A warm and intimate facility, Seaton Aged Care is the perfect choice for those of Croatian and Ukrainian heritage.
Honour your cultural customs and enjoy delicious home style cooking, like Varenyky and Kutia, in a community you’ll love to call home.
Celebrate Independence Day and take part in traditional Christmas and Easter customs, as well as religious services, regular cultural dance and music performances and traditional films. There’s even an on-site hairdresser.
Our care isn’t just about bricks and mortar. It’s about people. You’ll have a dedicated care team with access to a registered nurse 24 hours a day and allied health professionals, including physiotherapists, podiatrists and dietitians.
At Seaton Aged Care, we uphold strong links with local community and cultural
organisations, churches and social clubs to keep you connected.
Our permanent care option is a caring and supportive environment, so you can settle in easier and feel at home faster.
Our respite services give you the time to recharge and catch up on life, while we care for your loved one in a safe and welcoming environment.
Cost p/day $46.14
Refundable deposit $200,000
Our Daily Accommodation Payment calculator will help you work out your daily accommodation fees based on how much deposit you want to pay upfront.
Cost p/day $46.14
Refundable deposit $200,000
Our Daily Accommodation Payment calculator will help you work out your daily accommodation fees based on how much deposit you want to pay upfront.
Cost p/day $34.60
Refundable deposit $150,000
Our Daily Accommodation Payment calculator will help you work out your daily accommodation fees based on how much deposit you want to pay upfront.
Cost p/day $34.60
Refundable deposit $150,000
Our Daily Accommodation Payment calculator will help you work out your daily accommodation fees based on how much deposit you want to pay upfront.
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Before you can move into a Residential Aged Care community or access Respite Care, you’ll need to apply for what’s known as an ACAT assessment.
This is arranged by My Aged Care, an information service run by the Australian Government.
Check out our ACAT support page for more advice. Here we aim to answer all your questions and guide you through the process.
If you would prefer to meet in person, get in touch to request an appointment.
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“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”
Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services