Port Adelaide
Time Capsule

Capturing Children’s Voice

Alberton Primary School’s Port Adelaide Time Capsule

What’s your favourite area in Port Adelaide? Why is it special? How do you think it will look in 10 years’ time?

In 2023, the Communities for Children team at UnitingSA and Alberton Primary School collaborated to bring children’s voices alive by creating posters displaying what’s important to them in their local community and how they think it might change over a 10 year period.

Students learned about the history and landmarks of the Port Adelaide area to create a message for all to enjoy – now, and also for themselves and others in the future!

The posters were displayed at Port Adelaide Plaza from 11 to 21 September 2023 and also digitally displayed at the Port Adelaide Library. The pieces are now stored in a ‘time capsule’ to be opened in 2033.

A special thank you to the Year 3 and 4 students at Alberton Primary School who created something so meaningful for themselves and their local community.

Capturing Children’s Voice

Alberton Primary School’s Port Adelaide Time Capsule

What’s your favourite area in Port Adelaide? Why is it special? How do you think it will look in 10 years’ time?

The Communities for Children team at UnitingSA and Alberton Primary School collaborated to bring children’s voices alive by creating posters displaying what’s important to them in their local community and how they think it might change over a 10 year period.

Students learned about the history and landmarks of the Port Adelaide area to create a message for all to enjoy – now, and also for themselves and others in the future!

The posters will be displayed at Port Adelaide Plaza from 11 to 21 September 2023 and also digitally displayed at the Port Adelaide Library. The pieces will then be stored in a ‘time capsule’ to be opened in 10 years.

A special thank you to the Year 3 and 4 students at Alberton Primary School who created something so meaningful for themselves and their local community.

Poster display


11 to 21 September, 2023


Port Adelaide Plaza
200 Commercial Road
Port Adelaide SA 5015

Digital display


Port Adelaide Library
2-4 Church Street
Port Adelaide SA 5015

The countdown is on!

Alberton Primary School’s Port Adelaide Time Capsule will be opened in:


Online display

Click on the thumbnails below to view larger images

Thank you

A big thank you to all of the Year 3 and 4 students from Alberton Primary School who participated in this initiative and made it possible.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

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