Employment & Training
for all

How can we help?

UnitingSA works closely with you throughout your employment and training journey.

We offer practical programs to help people enter or return to the workforce, employment support for people with a disability and much more.

Who can we help?

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Children
  • Young adults
  • Older adults 65 years +
  • People with disabilities including those with mental health conditions
  • People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent

Our friendly staff are available weekdays from 9am – 5pm to tell you more about our Employment and Training programs.

Call us on (08) 8259 2900 to find out how we can support you, or explore the programs below and download a brochure to find out more.

Our locations


94 Waterloo Corner Road, Paralowie


58 Dale Street, Port Adelaide

Murray Mallee

33 Mary Street, Murray Bridge

Mid North

Shop 10 Flinders Arcade, 72 Ellen Street, Port Pirie

Parent Pathways

As a Parent Pathways provider, UnitingSA is committed to helping parents and carers of young children to achieve their personal, study and work goals.

How does Parent Pathways work?
Parent Pathways is a voluntary support program designed to help you achieve your goals while balancing your family life. A qualified Mentor will work with you to develop a Goal Plan and meet with you regularly to work towards your goals. We understand everyone’s circumstances are different and your Mentor will provide personalised, flexible support to meet your needs.

How can Parent Pathways help me?
Your Mentor can help you to:

  • Identify your education and employment goals
  • Access financial support to achieve your goals (e.g. to meet the costs of training, text books, transport, or to purchase a computer)
  • Overcome barriers to education and employment
  • Connect to diverse local services and networks
  • Access language or literacy programs
  • Access child care and meet child care costs
  • Complete further education or training
  • Obtain and maintain employment

Our locations

Our offices are easy to locate and have parking available. They’re also close to public transport and local services, including Centrelink, Housing SA, health services and shopping centres.

We have relaxed, family-friendly spaces with toys and activities available if you’d like to bring your children to appointments.

Computers with internet access are available for you to use at our permanent site locations.

We also offer outreach services at location hubs closer to you, so please speak to one of our Mentors.

View our list of Parent Pathways locations.

Have a question?
We’re here to help. Simply email parentpathways@unitingsa.com.au or call us on (08) 8259 2900 to speak with our friendly team.

Employment for people living with a disability.

Wesley Social Enterprises (WSE) is a UnitingSA service offering a variety of supported employment options for people with a disability.

Find out more about WSE.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“We love Hawksbury Gardens so much, your staff have been so supportive and have made this process so wonderful, we can’t thank you enough!”

Family member, Residential Aged Care

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