We are writing to provide you with a COVID-19 update for UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care.
We are yet to receive results from yesterday’s PCR testing, and expect we will receive these tonight or tomorrow.
A further round of PCR testing will be undertaken tomorrow, as the 48-hourly program of testing continues. We hope to include the results from this round of testing in Monday’s update.
UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care remains at six COVID-positive residents. All are located on Level 2, which continues to be closed to visitors. The rest of UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care is open.
Visitors are reminded to follow the below guidelines when visiting UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care:
- A limit of two visitors per day, with a single visit of up to one hour
- All visits must:
- Be pre-booked via phone or email between 8.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
- Take place between 10am and 4pm daily, or 6pm and 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Occur in the resident’s room.
We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during the current COVID situation.
If you have any questions prior to Monday’s update, please speak with a member of your care team. Contact details for all of our Aged Care homes can be found on our Contact page.