PCR testing concludes at Westminster Village

1 July 2022

Please find below our latest COVID-19 update for Hawksbury Gardens, Wesley House, UnitingSA West Lakes and Westminster Village Aged Care.


Positive case/s: Eight
Exposure details: The number of COVID-positive residents continues to remain stable. There are six residents in the Para wing, one in Gawler and one in Burton.
Site status: The Para wing remains closed. Positive residents in the Gawler and Burton wings continue to isolate in their rooms. The remainder of the Gawler and Burton wings, and the rest of Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care, is open to visitors.
Testing: There were no positive residents detected in PCR testing undertaken on Wednesday. Further rounds of PCR testing will be undertaken on affected wings today and on Sunday.


Positive case/s: Six
Exposure details: There are five COVID-positive residents located in the Semaphore wing, after a new positive was detected in PCR testing yesterday. Two residents from Semaphore have been cleared. There is one positive case in the Jervois wing.
Site status: A part of Semaphore wing remains closed, along with one room outside of this section. The COVID-positive resident in the Jervois wing remains isolating in their room. The rest of Wesley House Aged Care is open to visitors.
Testing: PCR testing will be undertaken tomorrow.


Positive case/s: Eight
Exposure details: There are two new COVID-positive cases on Level 1, which were detected during PCR testing undertaken on Wednesday. There remaining residents are all located on Level 3.
Site Status: A small zone on Level 3 remains closed to visitors. The residents on Level 1 are isolating in their room. The rest of Level 1 and 3, and the remainder of UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care is open to visitors.
Testing: PCR testing was undertaken for all residents today. A further round of testing will be conducted on Sunday.


Positive cases: Three
Exposure details: There is now one COVID-positive resident in the Largs wing, following the clearance of a resident overnight. There is also one resident located in Henley Beach and one in West Beach.
Site Status: The Largs wing remains closed, with the remainder of Westminster Village Aged Care open to visitors.
Testing: There were no positive cases detected from PCR testing undertaken yesterday. The 48-hour PCR testing regime will now end.

If you have any further questions please speak to a member of your care team.

Contact details for all of our Aged Care homes can be found on our Contact page.

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“We love Hawksbury Gardens so much, your staff have been so supportive and have made this process so wonderful, we can’t thank you enough!”

Family member, Residential Aged Care

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