With high case numbers of Covid-19 and influenza circulating throughout the community, we ask all visitors to be extra vigilant.

If you have Covid-19 or flu like symptoms but test negative on a Rapid Antigen Test, please consider taking a PCR test in order to obtain the most accurate result.

If you test negative on a PCR but are still unwell, please postpone your visit until you are well again. This will help us to protect the health and wellbeing of all those in our care at this challenging time.

Please also remember to practice Covid-safe measures, including wearing a mask, physical distancing and maintaining good hand hygiene.

Below is our latest Covid-19 update for West Lakes, Hawksbury Gardens, Wesley House and Westminster Village Aged Care.

Positive case/s: Three
Exposure details:
Four Covid-positive residents have now been cleared. There are two Covid-positive residents in Falie wing and one in Jervois wing.
Site status: Jervois wing is now open to visitors. All Covid-positive residents are isolating in their rooms. The rest of Wesley House Aged Care is open to visitors.
The last round of PCR testing was undertaken yesterday. The majority of results have been received and are negative. There are a small number of test results pending. Jervois and Falie wing residents will undertake PCR testing tomorrow.

Positive case/s: 20
Exposure details: One West Beach wing resident has now been cleared. There are 13 Covid-positive residents in Semaphore wing, four in Tennyson wing, one in West Beach wing, one in Grange wing and one in Largs wing.
Site status: Tennyson wing is now closed to visitors. Semaphore wing also remains closed. All Covid-positive residents are isolating in their rooms. The rest of Westminster Village Aged Care is open.
Testing: There were 10 new positive cases detected. Eight were detected through the last round of PCR testing on Friday. Three of those were in Semaphore wing, two were in Tennyson, one was in Grange, one in Largs and another in West Beach. A further two residents tested positive in Semaphore wing through Rapid Antigen Testing today. Another round of PCR testing is being undertaken for all residents today.

Positive case/s: Three
Exposure details: Eight residents have now been cleared. There is one Covid-positive resident on each of our levels (Levels 1, 2 and 3). These three residents are isolating in their rooms.
Site Status: All of UnitingSA West Lakes Aged Care remains open to visitors.
Testing: One resident on Level 3 tested positive on a Rapid Antigen Test today. There were no new positive cased detected in the last round of PCR testing on Saturday. There are currently no more rounds of PCR testing scheduled.

Positive case/s: Eight
Exposure details: Seven residents in Light wing and one resident in Bingham wing have now been cleared. There are three Covid-positive residents in Light wing and five in Bingham wing
Site status: Light wing remains closed to visitors. Our Covid-positive residents in Bingham wing are isolating in their rooms. The rest of Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care is open.
Testing: The last round of PCR testing on Sunday detected three positive residents in Bingham wing and one resident in Light wing. Residents in Light and Bingham wings will undergo PCR testing tomorrow.

Friends and family are advised that visitation restrictions remain in place. They include:

A limit of two visitors per day, with a single visit of up to one hour

  • All visits must:
  • Be pre-booked with your home’s reception via phone or email between 8.30am and 4pm weekdays;
  • Take place between 10am and 4pm daily, or 6pm to 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Occur in the resident’s room or an outdoor area.

Families and friends who are part of our Partners in Care initiative are able to continue providing support to residents who are in isolation due to Covid-19 restrictions. Please contact your home directly to discuss the details of your care visit.

Contact details for all of our Aged Care homes can be found on our Contact page.