Gift in Will
and Bequests

What is a 'gift in Will'?

Where there’s a Will, there’s a way to leave a legacy and light for vulnerable South Australians. 

A ‘gift in Will’ or bequest is a donation left to a charity or Not For Profit of your choice, as stated in your Will.

Gifts in Wills and bequests help to support the daily activities of the charities you love and enable them to continue to support the community.

Raising the topic of your Will with your loved ones can be an emotional moment.

While we hope the outcome is positive, occasionally it can prove difficult speaking with your nearest and dearest about your legacy, in the right way, at the right time.

It’s time to make your mark on the world, while keeping your family informed and involved.

Informing your loved ones that you have the power to make a positive impact on their lives, and the world they live in, can make all the difference.

Don’t get caught out when having a conversation about your Will, particularly if you intend on leaving a charitable gift to UnitingSA.

We would also welcome your loved ones’ involvement so they can learn the impact of your planned gift.

Other things to consider about leaving a gift in your Will

  • There is no right or wrong amount – any gift in Will you generously make will be a valuable contribution towards our community services – of your choice. A gift in your Will is a simple way to support South Australians in need without affecting your current lifestyle and financial situation
  • Please let us know – if you have decided to leave a gift in your Will, we would absolutely love to hear from you!

How do I leave a gift in my Will?

If you’re considering leaving a gift to UnitingSA in your Will, we would love to hear from you.

A bequest is a deeply personal gift, so it’s important that we understand the areas of our work you’d like to support. We want to put your wishes into real action.

At UnitingSA, together we can.

What type of gift can I give?

  • A share of your estate (residuary gift after your loved ones have been provided for)
  • A fixed sum of money
  • A specific gift (for example, a piece of jewellery, art or property)

Thank you for giving so generously. Your gift will help us provide vital support to enliven communities, enrich lives and improve wellbeing.

Suggested wording for leaving a gift to UnitingSA

We believe that it’s important to talk to family and loved ones about your Will. Knowing about your personal gift can help ensure your wishes are fulfilled.

We also recommend that you seek legal advice on how to include a bequest in your Will to ensure your gift is valid and effective.

And most importantly, we’d love the chance to say thank you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on (08) 8440 2200 or email

To include UnitingSA in your will, we suggest including the following wording, depending on which gift you would like to give.

“I give to UnitingSA (ABN 29 335 570 988), 70 Dale Street, Port Adelaide, South Australia, for its general purposes, free of all duties the sum of $_________ for which an authorised receipt from UnitingSA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

“I give to UnitingSA (ABN 29 335 570 988), 70 Dale Street, Port Adelaide, South Australia, for its general purposes, free of all duties_________% of my residuary estate for which an authorised receipt from UnitingSA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

“I give to UnitingSA (ABN 29 335 570 988), 70 Dale Street, Port Adelaide, South Australia, for its general purposes, free of all duties my________________ for which an authorised receipt from UnitingSA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

Memorial donations

Donating to UnitingSA in lieu of sending flowers to funerals or memorial services is a wonderful way to honour the memory of a friend, family member or loved one. We will happily direct the donations to a specific service, program or Aged Care site of your choice.

You can encourage donations by including wording within a funeral notice, such as “In loving memory of ______________, the family would prefer donations to UnitingSA in lieu of flowers. Donation envelopes will be available on the day of the funeral.”

For more information, or to order in-memoriam donation envelopes, please call (08) 8440 2228 or email

Everything you need to know about how to leave a gift for UnitingSA in your Will.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

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