Housing support
for all

How can we help?

UnitingSA can offer you a number of housing and living options depending on your situation.

Explore your housing options below or give us a call on (08) 8440 2200.

What can we do?

We can help you:

  • Secure emergency accommodation
  • Live independently
  • Find and maintain housing
  • Explore affordable options
  • Retire comfortably
  • Stay connected with your community
  • Access guidance and support

At risk of homelessness?

Our Western Adelaide Homelessness Services can support people of all ages as well as offer a specialised 24-hour home to young people.

Homelessness Services >

After affordable housing?

UnitingSA provides affordable housing to those on low to moderate incomes who are having difficulty securing housing in the private rental market.

UnitingSA housing options >

Downsizing for retirement?

If you’re aged over 65, our Retirement Living homes are your chance to join a vibrant community with all the support you need to stay happy and healthy.

Retirement living >

Ready to join others your age in a vibrant care home?

You will find a close-knit community, a diverse activities program, and 24-hour care at all of our Residential Aged Care homes.

Residential Aged Care >

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was feeling depressed and anxious before coming to Taperoo Community Centre and now I feel as though I belong for the first time in my life. The classes have helped me believe in myself and that I am capable of learning.”

Taperoo Community Centre participant (pictured with Centre Coordinator Kathy)

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