Specialist Disability Accommodation
SDA Homes
Our SDA Homes
Our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes incorporate high levels of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.
Our SDA homes meet the NDIS High Physical Support standards, which include:
- External doors and external outdoor private areas accessible by wheelchair
- Bathroom vanity/hand basin accessible in seated or standing position
- Power supply to doors and windows/blinds for retrofit of automation as necessary
- Provision made for ceiling hoists
- Assistive technology ready
- Heating & cooling
- Emergency power solutions to cater for a minimum two hour outage where tenant welfare is at risk
- Doors with 950mm minimum clear opening width to all habitable rooms
- Fully accessible
- Heating & Cooling
- Onsite parking
- Private outdoor space
- Outdoor community area
- Close to public transport
- Close to shops
- Close to medical centres
Uniting on Devonport
Our large housing development currently under construction at Prospect includes two High Physical Support SDA apartments available for high support NDIS participants with the appropriate SDA funding approved in their NDIS Plan.
A first floor outdoor community area, along with UnitingSA’s Wellbeing and Lifestyle Coordinator will provide ample opportunities for community engagement and the opportunity to build relationships with neighbours.
A weekly rent charge will be applicable in line with the maximum reasonable rent contribution as determined by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
SDA Homes Enquiry
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