Local resident Heather said she was overwhelmed by mounting bills when she first learned of UnitingSA’s emergency relief services.

“I first came to UnitingSA when I got hit with a $900 power bill,” Heather explained.

“It was the worst feeling and I didn’t know where to turn until someone suggested I go to UnitingSA.”

Heather said it was “the best thing I did. I can’t tell you the relief.”

UnitingSA’s financial counsellors helped Heather navigate her financial situation and manage her bill payments.

“I try to be positive, but it can be hard – I’ve come through domestic violence and found that after COVID I’d lost a lot of confidence,” Heather said.

“Sometimes I have barely enough to feed myself.”

At Christmas, Heather received a shopping voucher from our emergency relief team to help with additional Christmas costs.

It made a huge difference practically and emotionally, she said.

“I walked into the shops and walked around in a daze – I felt rich,” Heather said.

“I had to go back out and sit down and think about what I would get. I’m not used to having so much choice. One thing I made sure was that I got myself some chocolates.

“The people who work (at UnitingSA’s emergency relief centre) there are like angels. They are so beautiful – Cindy, Lynn-Maree and Sandra.

“I’ve noticed there are more people who need help who didn’t before. They look like they have nice clothes, but they still need help – you just can’t tell anymore who’s coping and who isn’t.”

Heather is just one of 800 people who were supported through our Christmas Appeal.

Locals still need our support throughout the year. Please donate today.

For more information on our fundraising and partnership opportunities, get in touch with our team today:
E: fundraisingandpartnerships@unitingsa.com.au
P: (08) 8440 2200