Are you, or someone you care for aged 65 and over and living on the Lefevre Peninsula?

If you fit the bill, UnitingSA’s Ethnic Link Services in partnership with Lefevre Uniting Church welcome you to a community consultation in September.



We want to know what you love about living in the area and the types of new opportunities you’d like to see. Receive the latest aged care info and share your ideas on how to improve the Peninsula for older locals.

Attendees will enjoy a free lunch, and are able to access language support.


Where: Lefevre Uniting Church, 63 Gedville Rd, Taperoo

When: Wednesday 19 September, 11am to 2pm

RSVP: To attend, please call (08) 8241 0201 by 31 August

The Positively Ageing in the Lefevre Peninsula project is a community initiative of UnitingSA Ethnic Link Services and Lefevre Uniting Church, funded by the Uniting Church’s Ageing & Wellness Grant.

Click here to view the flyer.