UnitingCare Australia, together with the UnitingCare Network, welcomes action on aged care in Parliament House today by the Federal Government and the Federal Opposition.

“The tabling of the new Aged Care Act opens the door for much needed reform. The number one recommendation of the Royal Commission was a new Aged Care Act, so we welcome this crucial step forward today,” said Claerwen Little, National Director of UnitingCare Australia.

“Yesterday we brought the voices of the people we serve directly to Parliament House with our CEO Advocacy Day. We thank all those who took time to meet with us and we look forward to continuing these important conversations.”

“We also welcome the Government’s long awaited response to the Aged Care Taskforce report. The detail is yet to be unpacked, but if we get this new funding model right, and we must, it will allow providers to offer more homecare services, build new homes and refurbish existing ones, offering more beds.

“Every Australian deserves to age with dignity regardless of their financial circumstances and we hope that the legislation introduced today paves the way forward to achieve this. The Government must ensure that no one is left behind, and provide adequate funding for services to remain viable in all communities, especially in rural and regional locations.

“Today’s announcement is a major step forward in aged care reform and we look forward to working across the Parliament to achieve the best outcomes possible for older Australians both now and into the future.”

UnitingSA joins UnitingCare Network in welcoming reforms

Jenny Hall, CEO of UnitingSA, was one of those voices in Parliament House yesterday.

“UnitingSA is proud to have been part of the UnitingCare Australia Network which has called on the Federal Government to undertake fundamental structural reform of Australia’s aged care system which is no longer fit for purpose.

“We welcome the commitment to aged care reform, the significant injection of funds and, most importantly, the impact it will have on the dignity and lives of older Australians.

“Older Australians deserve nothing less than access to quality care when and where they need it. As a provider of aged care services to over 1500 South Australians, I truly hope that this reform will deliver a sustainable funding system.

UnitingSA, as part of the UnitingCare Network, has consistently advocated for a sustainable sector with particular emphasis on ensuring a strong safety net so that all people can access the best quality care.”

Media contact: Shannon Short 0466 419 528