for Children

Who are we?

Communities for Children (CfC) facilitates a whole of community approach to provide early childhood development initiatives, supporting and enhancing development needs of children aged 0 to 12 years.

We use a place based approach and work with children, families and other organisations to shape program and service delivery.

As a CfC Facilitating Partner, we aim to provide support to the local community by partnering with community services to deliver programs and supports as well as capacity build through community participation and voice.

Research has found that money directed to programs through Communities for Children returns a community benefit three times the investment.

Read the Social Return on Investment study.

What do we do?

We support the wellbeing of children and families by:

  • Working with parents and children to build child-friendly spaces within community
  • Funding other community organisations to deliver services including parenting support, home visits, community events and life skills courses
  • Building on local strengths to meet local community needs
  • Creating capability within local services systems
  • Using strong evidence of what works in the early years of life

As a Communities for Children Facilitating Partner, we take an early intervention approach that supports families to enhance the way they relate to each other, improve parenting skills, and ensure the health and wellbeing of children.

Capturing Children’s Voice

The Communities for Children team at UnitingSA and Alberton Primary School collaborated to bring children’s voices alive by creating posters displaying what’s important to them in their local community and how they think it might change over a 10 year period.

Learn more about the Port Adelaide Time Capsule project

UnitingSA and Alberton Primary School's Port Adelaide Time Capsule artwork

Important to Me

Through the annual ‘Important to Me’ Art Exhibition, UnitingSA’s Communities for Children program provides the opportunity for children to share what’s important to them using art.

Learn more about the Important to Me project

UnitingSA Communities for Children - Important to Me project - online gallery

Working within community

We work with local services, groups and schools to bring young people together to share ideas and to celebrate their community through a number of different projects and initiatives.

Recent projects include:

  • Child Protection Week bakery bag campaign
  • Free school holiday cooking classes with Home Fresh
  • Health and literacy packs for children in emergency accommodation
  • Play workshops for parents and children in emergency accommodation
  • Local council collaboration to bring playgrounds and green spaces alive with footpath markings that spark curiosity for learning, fitness and imagination.

Working with schools

We work with local primary schools to bring young people together to share ideas and to celebrate their community.

Recent projects include:

Children’s Parliament ‘Change Makers’
Students are encouraged to get involved to share their big ideas, discuss challenges facing their school or community and create real solutions. Students learn about the democratic process by identifying an issue and campaigning for change. The campaign is run by young people for young people. They also learn skills in team building, public speaking, and leadership in a fun and supported environment.

Time capsule
Students create a message for posterity for their future selves and others. Posters produced expressing what’s important to them and their local community. Pieces will be displayed in an exhibition before being locked away in a “time capsule” to be opened in the future. Students will learn more about their local community and enhance a sense of community identity and belonging.

Community Events

We are involved in a number of events to bring community together through the year, including:

Find out more by calling us on (08) 8440 2299 or emailing our friendly team at

Community Partners

A key part of UnitingSA’s role as a Communities for Children (CfC) Facilitating Partner is to identify and fund CfC Community Partners, who can deliver programs to help address the needs of children and families in the region.

Through a tender process for North West Adelaide in 2022, we selected 8 Community Partners to deliver activities and programs to support children and their families, in alignment with the objectives of our Community Strategic Plan 2022-2026.

We are delighted to support the following Community Partners’ initiatives.

Community Partner Program Description Contact/Phone Number
Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Supporting parents with postnatal depression through a combination of one-to-one therapy, groups, home visits and supported playgroups. Janine
0416 095 200
St Patrick's School Supporting families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds by providing one-to-one support, playgroups and parenting skills development. Chau
(08) 8303 4500
Metropolitan Youth Health (MYH) Programs for young parents aged up to 25, and their children, including Aboriginal-specific parenting programs. Michel
(08) 8243 5637
UnitingCare Wesley Bowden (UCWB) A mix of programs supporting young parents and parents with infants in the first 1,000 days, along with families who are vulnerable and/or experiencing domestic violence. (08) 8245 7100
Multicultural Youth South Australia (MYSA) Supporting young refugee, migrant and Aboriginal parents, aged 15 to 35, by providing case management, parenting programs, playgroups, community forums and excursions. Susie
(08) 8212 0085
Playgroup SA Providing evidence-based playgroups to support parents to understand more about how children learn, and improve knowledge and skills relating to child development. (08) 8344 2722
1800 171 882
Kura Yerlo Inc Delivering the Walk With Me and Culture Hub programs to school aged children to support health, wellbeing and cultural connection. (08) 8241 0442
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation (KWY) Delivering the Little Steps program to support Aboriginal women who may have or are experiencing family and domestic violence, empowering them to overcome intergenerational trauma, grief and loss, working towards strengthened and more resilient lives. (08) 8377 7822

Parent Testimonials

“The workers here have helped me through some really tough times. It’s a safe place to yarn and just be.”

Participant from Metropolitan Youth Health’s Indigenous Young Parents’ Program

“I cannot speak highly enough of the very noticeable positive impact this program has had on our lives, since given the opportunity to join this program. I cannot emphasise enough how impressed I was with the valuable service that we were so fortunate to have access to. They have been able to introduce our family to support services, parenting tools and knowledge that have helped us adjust to our new lives as parents.”

Participant from CALHN’s Western Perinatal Support Program

“The course has been very enlightening as my son is so young I am glad I have had this course. I can see it being incredibly useful as he grows up.”

Participant from UCWB’s Circle of Security Parenting Program

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was feeling depressed and anxious before coming to Taperoo Community Centre and now I feel as though I belong for the first time in my life. The classes have helped me believe in myself and that I am capable of learning.”

Taperoo Community Centre participant (pictured with Centre Coordinator Kathy)

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