Embracing Life Together
Men and Families

8440 2299

Men and Family Relationships program

All men, from all walks of life, need support from time to time.

Our Men and Family Relationships program helps men experiencing a range of personal and family challenges, through counselling, advocacy and referral to other supports.

Most importantly, it provides a safe space for men to open up about whatever is on their mind.

How can we help?

We can work with you in a range of ways including:

  • Building positive family relationships
  • Learning practical tips for talking with and supporting your children
  • Counselling for individuals, couples and families
  • Outreach, advocacy support, and information
  • Referral to other services, support and activities

Download a brochure here.


Who can we help?

Men and families living in the metropolitan region of Adelaide.

Find out more

To access support complete the online enquiry form, or call 8440 2299. We’re available weekdays from 9am-5pm.

If you need urgent assistance, MensLine Australia offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support for men: 1300 78 99 78.

Get in touch today on (08) 8440 2299

or fill out the form to access support.

Men and Families Enquiry Form

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National Support Services

MensLine Australia:
Men with emotional or relationship concerns
1300 789 987

Beyond Blue:
Anyone feeling anxious or depressed
1300 22 4636

Anyone having a personal crisis
13 11 14

Open Arms:
Veterans and families
1800 011 046

LGBTI Australians
1800 184 527

Kids Helpline:
Anyone aged 5 to 25
1800 55 1800

Suicide Call Back Service:
Anyone thinking about suicide
1300 659 467

If someone’s life is in danger or there is an immediate risk of harm, call emergency services on 000.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I was in such a dark place for years and my mental health issues meant I couldn’t see anything straight. With the help of my support worker, I started to feel comfortable in my own skin and now I am even working again. I will always remember how I recovered with the help I received through UnitingSA.”

Received support from Mental Health Services

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