From homelessness
to home

How can we help?

We will work closely with you on your journey out of homelessness, with support, advice and advocacy.

As a provider partner in the Adelaide North West Homelessness Alliance, UnitingSA’s aim is to reduce your risk of homelessness by sticking with you through the tough times, acting promptly when you need us and responding early to prevent you being without a home. We can assess your individual situation and work with you to find the best option to suit your needs, whether this be a boarding house, rental support, or community housing.

We can support people of all ages and have a specialised 24-hour residence available to young people.

As a part of our emergency assistance programs, we offer homelessness food services, finance support, transportation, clothing vouchers, telephone amenities, clothing, and pharmacy supplies to eligible individuals.

Our caring team are here to provide you with support, advice and advocacy, so please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the services and programs available to you.

What can we do?

Our Homelessness Support Services can help you:

  • Find and maintain housing
  • Get support
  • Get assistance early
  • Get case management support and counselling services
  • Live independently
  • Get involved in your community

Our partners

UnitingSA is a provider partner in the Adelaide North West Homelessness Alliance (ANWHA), which provides services through a collaborative partnership between seven for-purpose community organisations and the South Australian Housing Authority.

Learn more by visiting the ANWHA website

Looking for community housing?

UnitingSA Housing is all about providing affordable rental options for those who need it most.

Find out more about UnitingSA Housing.

Need emergency housing?

UnitingSA Housing is unable to offer emergency housing. For crisis situations, contact Homeless Connect SA on 1800 003 308.

UnitingSA does offer Emergency Assistance services. Click here to find out more.

Our new home

We are now located at 64 Dale Street, Port Adelaide.

Our friendly staff are available weekdays from 9am – 5pm to tell you more about our Homelessness Services.

Call us on 1800 569 086

For after hours help please call:
Homeless Connect SA (including families):
1800 003 308

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

"Because we feel secure with UnitingSA Housing, I don’t have anxiety about where I live anymore."

Shona and Derek,
UnitingSA Housing tenants

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