Information for
UnitingSA Contractors

Contractor Information

UnitingSA is committed to providing a safe workplace for all staff and contractors. To ensure we continue to meet our obligations, we require all contractors to be approved to work on our facilities.

The approval process requires contractors to complete a ‘Contractor Review Form’, and that you and your staff agree to abide by UnitingSA’s Work Health & Safety (WH&S) Policies and Procedures.

As part of our annual review we have made some changes to our pack. We require all approved contractors to complete the Contractor Review Form and provide the latest copy of your insurance, workers compensation (RTWSA) form and all relevant licence and permit details – including but not limited to; white cards, working in confined spaces, and working at heights.

We also now require the Pre-Qualification Form to be completed and a copy of your internal WH&S Management System to be provided.

UnitingSA request that a Statutory Declaration is completed and signed by a Justice of the Peace declaring that all staff (including staff that you subcontract) who may be working at one of our facilities, have a current Police Certificate (obtained within the last three years) or DCSI Clearance with no adverse criminal convictions that would preclude them from undertaking work.

Where a Statutory Declaration has not been returned, UnitingSA has the right to refuse a contractor onto site.

A person is deemed not suitable to work at a UnitingSA site if their Police Certificate/DCSI Clearance or Statutory Declaration records that the person:

a) Has been convicted of murder or sexual assault; or
b) Has been convicted of, and sentenced to imprisonment for, any other form of assault.

In addition, any employee who has been a citizen or permanent resident of a country other than Australia since turning 16 years of age will be required to provide a
statutory declaration (in addition to the police certificate) stating:

  • They have never been convicted of murder or sexual assault; or
  • They have never been convicted of, and sentenced to imprisonment for, any other form of assault in a country other than Australia.

The Statutory Declaration Form can be found in the Contractor Information Pack below.


  • Influenza vaccinations are no longer mandatory but highly recommended.
  • All contractors entering a Residential Aged Care facility (RACF) must be up-to-date with their Covid-19 vaccinations – 2 vaccines and 1 booster.

Please complete and submit the Covid-19 Vaccination Clearance Form in the Contractor Information Pack below as confirmation that you will not send anyone to a UnitingSA site who is not up-to-date with their vaccines.

All contractors must present their Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate when requested by a UnitingSA staff member.

Uniting SA adheres to state and federal legislation and vaccination policies can change at any time. 

UnitingSA will issue a Contractors Badge with its own unique number to each person who has completed, signed and returned all the required information from the Contractor Information Pack.

  • The badge must be worn at all times whilst on UnitingSA’s facilities.
  • The badge must not be used by any other person.
  • The badge is only valid for a 12 month period, unless otherwise specified, at which time, a new Contractors Information Pack will be issued and the process will need to be completed again.

Access will not be permitted to UnitingSA facilities without a Contractor’s Badge and evidence of an up-to-date COVID-19 Vaccination.

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Contractor Information Pack

Please ensure the documents below are understood by all of your staff that may be required to work at UnitingSA facilities.

It will be a requirement of all contractor staff, when at a UnitingSA site to commence work, that they sign in on the basis they have read and understood the UnitingSA WH&S requirements and associated policies, procedures and documents.

Work Health & Safety (WH&S) and Injury Management Policy

WH&S Induction of Contractors Procedure

Pre-Qualification Form

Covid-19 Vaccination Clearance Form

Statutory Declaration

Contractor Review

Contractors Checklist

All facilities have a Contractor Information Pack on site that includes the UnitingSA Work Health and Safety Requirements of Contractors Policy, Induction Procedure and the site Asbestos Register, which is available for reference purposes.

Please complete and return all relevant documentation to:
Property Services
1B Glebe Street
Alberton SA 5014

or via email to so that we can be assured continuity of service is maintained.

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

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