Five total COVID-positive residents at West Lakes

Five total COVID-positive residents at West Lakes

06 June 2022

PCR testing on Thursday detected two of the new cases, while a third resident was identified through PCR testing carried out on Saturday. Read More →

Final results at Wesley House negative

Final results at Wesley House negative

06 June 2022

As the COVID-19 outbreak at Wesley House has been declared over and PCR results are all negative, PCR testing will now discontinue. Read More →

Westminster Village awaiting results

Westminster Village awaiting results

03 June 2022

We are yet to receive results from yesterday’s PCR testing at Westminster Village, and expect we will receive these tonight or tomorrow. Read More →

West Lakes Aged Care awaiting results

West Lakes Aged Care awaiting results

03 June 2022

We are yet to receive results from yesterday’s PCR testing at West Lakes Aged Care, and expect we will receive these tonight or tomorrow. Read More →

Wesley House outbreak declared over

Wesley House outbreak declared over

03 June 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the COVID-19 outbreak at Wesley House Aged Care has now been declared over. Read More →

No change at Westminster Village

No change at Westminster Village

31 May 2022

We remain at two COVID-positive cases, with both residents isolating in their rooms in Grange wing at Westminster Village Aged Care. Read More →

Two positive residents in Grange wing at Westminster Village

Two positive residents in Grange wing at Westminster Village

30 May 2022

One COVID-19 case cleared over the weekend and no further positive results on Saturday leaves two current cases at Westminster Village. Read More →

Level 2 at West Lakes Aged Care closed to visitors

Level 2 at West Lakes Aged Care closed to visitors

30 May 2022

Three COVID-19 cases were detected following PCR testing, while one resident returned a positive Rapid Antigen Test on Level 2 at West Lakes. Read More →

All COVID-positive residents at Wesley House cleared

All COVID-positive residents at Wesley House cleared

30 May 2022

PCR testing undertaken for all ground floor and first floor residents have returned negative results and the entire home is open to visitors. Read More →

Only one positive case remaining at Westminster Village

Only one positive case remaining at Westminster Village

27 May 2022

We now have only one COVID-positive resident remaining at Westminster Village Aged Care, after a resident was cleared yesterday. Read More →

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“I would still be on the streets if it wasn’t for the support of UnitingSA. It means the world to me to have a house for my whole family and to be able to tuck my children in at night.”

Received support from UnitingSA Homelessness Services

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