A chat with Hakim Oerton

A chat with Hakim Oerton

30 January 2020

As a Pastoral Practitioner at Regency Green Multicultural Aged Care, Hakim Oerton plays a crucial role supporting residents and staff. Read More →

Karen's journey of recovery

Karen’s journey of recovery

07 January 2020

UnitingSA's Mental Health Services was nothing like Karen expected, and she says the support has been instrumental to her recovery. Read More →

Putting lived experience at the heart of new mental health research

Putting lived experience at the heart of new mental health research

13 November 2019

UnitingSA is partnering with the University of South Australia to offer a new PhD scholarship to research the role that peer support workers play. Read More →

Ethnic Link Services celebrates 30 years

Ethnic Link Services celebrates 30 years

31 October 2019

UnitingSA's Ethnic Link Services celebrates 30 years of specialist support for older South Australians from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Read More →

Multi-million dollar boost for social and affordable housing

Multi-million dollar boost for social and affordable housing

27 August 2019

UnitingSA Housing, has been awarded a $7 million low interest loan through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC). Read More →

Construction begins on $50m aged care development at iconic site

Construction begins on $50m aged care development at iconic site

16 August 2019

Premier Steven Marshall joined UnitingSA Chair Gael Fraser and CEO Libby Craft this morning to break ground at UnitingSA West Lakes. Read More →

United vision for $50m aged care development

United vision for $50m aged care development

02 July 2019

UnitingSA has engaged 105-year-old Kennett Builders to construct a five-storey development at the former Football Park site in West Lakes. Read More →

NDIS Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Symposium

NDIS Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Symposium

25 June 2019

UnitingSA's Ethnic Link Services team held a symposium to share valuable insights in assisting CALD communities to navigate the NDIS. Read More →

Housing 'miracle' for Pip and Todd

Housing ‘miracle’ for Pip and Todd

10 April 2019

UnitingSA's Western Adelaide Homelessness Services worked quickly to help Todd and his carer Pip find freedom and comfort in their own home. Read More →

UnitingSA celebrates 100 years of support

UnitingSA celebrates 100 years of support

03 April 2019

We are proud to be commemorating a significant milestone in the story of UnitingSA, as we celebrate 100 years of supporting South Australians. Read More →

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

"Because we feel secure with UnitingSA Housing, I don’t have anxiety about where I live anymore."

Shona and Derek,
UnitingSA Housing tenants

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