Richard’s journey of recovery is inspiring others

Richard’s journey of recovery is inspiring others

09 October 2018

Peer support workers are part of UnitingSA’s lived experience workforce – a team using skills developed from their own journey to help others. Read More →

UnitingSA in new locations

UnitingSA in new locations

24 September 2018

Our Mental Health Services team in the inner south has moved to Edwardstown and our UrbanYouth team has opened a new office in Rostrevor. Read More →

Colourful transformation improves quality of life

Colourful transformation improves quality of life

04 September 2018

A recent renovation of UnitingSA Westminster Village’s Memory Support Unit has been transformative for the people who live there. Read More →

Music unites the generations

Music unites the generations

23 August 2018

A new music program is bridging the age gap between pre-schoolers and residents at UnitingSA’s Regency Green Aged Care home. Read More →

New home, fresh hope for Tina

New home, fresh hope for Tina

08 August 2018

Tina found trust at UnitingSA's Western Adelaide Homelessness Services, where she turned for support in February last year. Read More →

New era for Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care

New era for Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care

03 August 2018

A 26-bedroom expansion of UnitingSA Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care in Salisbury North is complete, delighting residents and staff. Read More →

Positively Ageing in the Lefevre Peninsula - Get involved!

Positively Ageing in the Lefevre Peninsula – Get involved!

10 July 2018

UnitingSA’s Ethnic Link Services in partnership with Lefevre Uniting Church welcome you to a community consultation in September. Read More →

Winter Appeal provides critical support

Winter Appeal provides critical support

05 July 2018

Donations to the Winter Appeal help UnitingSA deliver critical support to almost 1500 people seeking assistance through winter. Read More →

ACE effort from UnitingSA’s Employment and Training adult learners

ACE effort from UnitingSA’s Employment and Training adult learners

10 May 2018

Two participants in UnitingSA Employment and Training Support's Adult Community Education program named ‘Face of ACE’ in Adult Learners week. Read More →

Contract win will help more parents find work

Contract win will help more parents find work

09 May 2018

UnitingSA selected to deliver an expanded ParentsNext program to help parents with young children prepare for future employment. Read More →

Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.

UnitingSA relies on the generosity of donors to help deliver innovative programs and support for people in need across metropolitan and regional South Australia.

"Because we feel secure with UnitingSA Housing, I don’t have anxiety about where I live anymore."

Shona and Derek,
UnitingSA Housing tenants

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